National Standards for Volunteering


Promoting Excellence in Volunteering:

The Refreshed National Standards for Volunteering Involvement

At Volunteering Central Coast, we're dedicated to empowering organisations in our community to achieve excellence in volunteer management. The refreshed National Standards for Volunteering offer a framework for best practices in volunteering, and we're here to help you implement these standards in your organisation. Let's explore what these standards mean and how they can elevate your volunteer programmes.

A diagram showing volunteering is embedded in leadership governance and culture

Standard 1

Embedding Volunteering in Leadership, Governance, and Culture

Embrace volunteering as a fundamental part of your organisational culture. This standard encourages leaders to actively participate in and advocate for volunteer programmes, integrating volunteering into the very fabric of your organisation.

Standard 2

Championing and Modelling Volunteer Participation

Create an environment where volunteering is a shared responsibility and pride. By championing volunteer participation at all levels, you can inspire and motivate your team to engage in and support volunteer initiatives.

Standard 3

Creating Meaningful and Tailored Volunteer Roles

Design volunteer roles that are not only beneficial to your organisation but also enriching for the volunteers. Tailor these roles to harness individual talents and interests, making each volunteer's experience personally rewarding and impactful.

Standard 4

Equitable Recruitment and Valuing Diversity

Diversity brings strength and innovation. This standard emphasises the importance of equitable recruitment practices and creating an inclusive environment where diverse backgrounds and perspectives are celebrated.

Standard 5

Supporting and Developing Volunteers

Invest in your volunteers' growth and well-being. Provide training, support, and opportunities for personal and professional development to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship between your organisation and its volunteers.

Standard 6

Protecting Volunteer Safety and Wellbeing

Safety is non-negotiable. Implementing this standard means prioritising the physical and emotional well-being of your volunteers, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for everyone.

Standard 7

Recognising Volunteers

Acknowledgement and appreciation are key to a successful volunteer programme. Regularly celebrate and recognise the contributions of your volunteers to keep them motivated and engaged.

Standard 8

Continuously Improving Volunteer Policies and Practices

Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. Regularly review and refine your volunteer policies and practices to stay aligned with best practices and evolving needs.

As Volunteering Central Coast, we're committed to supporting your journey in implementing these standards. Through workshops, resources, and consultations, we can help your organisation not just meet but exceed these standards, creating a robust and rewarding volunteering environment.

Join us in elevating the standards of volunteerism across our community.

Together, we can make a lasting impact!

For more about the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement visit Volunteering Australia or download the National Standards Guide CLICK HERE

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